Thursday, November 03, 2005

Why I have not been posting....

1. This working thing is getting really old and draining.

2. Blake has been sick since he got back from Chicago.

3. Andrew has been sick for two weeks.

4. After constant hand washing to try to avoid being sick, my husband (between sneezes) kissed me goodbye in the morning and now I've been sick for two weeks.

5. Halloween. Candy, carnivals, pumpkin carving, candy, trick or treating, trunk or treating, candy, costumes, candy, candy, candy!!!

6. Being the good mom that I am, I sent my child to school with PINKEYE!!! Aaauuuuugggghhh. Not a bad case and after one day home and on special eyedrops (now that's another fun-filled story) he'll be back at school tomorrow.

7. The newness of blogging seems to have worn off. And not just for me mind you....I've been reading all those blogs out there that wait two weeks between know who you are. Okay so I'm not reading that many, but I glance at them every once in a while.

8. Do you realize that it's November already? How many weeks til Thanksgiving? Til Alyssa's birthday? Til Christmas? Stop the world, I want to get off!!!

9. I'm getting really old and my bedtime keeps getting earlier and earlier. So on that note, goodnight!

1 comment:

Sharla said...

hee hee hee