Friday, December 23, 2005

Okay, here is a picture of the bags. For those of you not in Texas, I have found this great little outlet store that sells purses, bags, luggage and jewelry -- REALLY cheap. These "shopping bags" were $1.95 (one was $3.95--we splurged). We are using them as new church bags and the kids love them. Alyssa's is the blue whale one, Andrew's is the animal faces, the other two are mine (I'm going to use one as a bible class bag and one to bring to work--have to carry my action figures you know.) They have all different styles but when they are out, they're out. Anyone want to go shopping with me?? I take orders.

I do have one funny story to tell. If you didn't know, we have signed up Alyssa for cheerleading thru Sharla's church. They have a Christian-based basketball league and this year they added cheer for the girls. They have had two practices and she seems to like it a lot. We plan on getting some advise from Aunt Sharla this weekend. Anyway, last night the girls were learning a new cheer. Something about "Basket, Basket, We want two" or something to that effect. So the little girls are chanting and working on the arm and foot movements (funny all by itself) when one of the girls raises her hand and says, "I know the movements but I don't get it." Coach looks confused. Girl repeats statement. We finally figure out that she doesn't understand why they are saying "we want two". After the coach gives them a short "rules of basketball" lesson, about 4 of the little girls start nodding their heads and saying, "ohhhhhhh". Apparently basketball is not these girls forte. It was really cute.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Oh man - I want some! Okay, a Mary Kay one for me, a zebra one for Jillian, Mikaela wants cheetah, and Camryn wants anything wild or beautiful! Good luck. (Do you take Visa?)