Monday, July 28, 2008

Lunch anyone?

There is a new chinese buffet down the street that we decided to try yesterday. Very good food with lots of choices. But then I came across this....

For those of you who can't tell, it is a crawdad and yes, people actually eat these nasty looking things. Don't ask me why a Louisiana dish was on a Chinese buffet but it was. And it was staring at me. All 75 of them sitting there. Staring. Eeewwww. So, being me, I put one of the little critters on my plate and he shared our dining experience with us. (Okay, he had to stay under a napkin the whole time since he was grossing us out.) Then he went on a field trip to our house. I had a whole "Crawdad Tours Texas" blog planned but our kitten found him first and gnawed off his claw. After that it just seemed best to throw the little guy away. Again, just let me say "Eeeewww!"

1 comment:

Leah said...

I thought these were crayfish? Must be a texas thing. I think Leah calls them crawdads too, but with a southern twang.
