Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My little entrepreneur

I found out today that my son has started his own business during class. I got all the details during our drive home. He has 2 employees whom he pays 2 tickets a month. Anderson is his peeler and Olivia is in charge of advertising. It is a free service and he may end up going in the hole so we will have to address this issue. He is already planning to expand in the near future. So if anyone needs his service, see Andrew at his desk in the 3rd grade classroom during regular school hours. What is this service, you ask? Crayon sharpening. My little entrepreneur has found a needed service in the 3rd grade and has the sharpener to get the job done!

On a completely unrelated note.... a word of advice. Never leave a box of cereal on the kitchen counter when you have a bad kitty in the house. Otherwise, when you return after a long day, you will be sweeping little rolling puffs of corn from your entire kitchen floor. Just an FYI.
Gotta go now. Tonight is Open House and the principal just called and she has cracked her elbow so guess who gets to be in charge. Goodie goodie!

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