Friday, April 21, 2006

Well, it's official. I said yes to the job offer this week. Ally went up to the school on Wednesday to spend the afternoon with the 3rd grade and meet all the kids and she absolutely loved it! So next year I won't have to run like a madwoman back and forth between the two schools. I am really getting excited about it. Okay, it's more work but as long as I can hire the right people, I think it will be great. It was just too much of a good offer to say no to. Now I just have to remind Ally that she has to wear a uniform to school. My little fashion diva is not going to like that. But it sure will save time in the morning (yesterday she changed 4 times before breakfast...needless to say we were a little late).

Well, the Rangers are back in town this week so I'm a single parent for a few days. One of the guys that Blake carpools with got a job at the ballpark so now maybe they can carpool to both jobs. Yeah!!! Save on gas!!!

One more quick thing. I realized this week that I seriously need to move out of Texas. I was in the bedroom the other night about 9 and heard water hitting the window. My first (and only) thought was "why is Blake watering the grass this late at night?". Guess what. He wasn't. It was actually raining. Pretty sad, huh.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Okay, Michelle, we haven't heard the details of this new job offer.