Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to Recognize Stress....

This is registration week at work. On top of that, it's the final talent show practices and I still need to get costumes finished. Plus, Ally has a huge project to complete and is totally confused. Then lets add a field trip on Friday and all the paperwork and details that need to be worked out. And then, there are daily tours of the school (yesterday I had three back to back). Not to mention the pre-school's circus and the program, decorations, etc. that go with that. Added on top, we have no food in the house so I need to go shopping, the library books are due, my house is a mess and the only way to get through the kid's rooms is by jungle vine, LTC practices twice a week, basketball practice and games each week, baseball practice starting, children and pets that think they need my attention, a husband who needs the same....

All this to say. Something was bound to break and today I believe that it did......

Not only do my shoes not match but they look nothing alike; one is blue and one is brown and even the heels are different. I didn't even notice until I got into the office. Can I just go home now?


Sharla said...


Oh wait, that was rude. How about, "Oh no, I'm so sorry, dear sister. How can I help alleviate your stress?"

Naw -- Bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!


Tracy said...

But hey, you still have time to BLOG! I'm impressed sista!