Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What a day! I swear there is something in the air today. All the kids at school felt it. I had a ton come to the clinic with everything from tummy aches to sand in their eyes to fevers to throwing up. Then we had a group of older boys (2nd grade) who just decided that they were not going to listen to the teacher and just went and sat down by a tree. The nursery class all cried this morning so I had to call parents and they all spent the day in class with their kids. One Kindergardner forgot his lunch and none of the parent phone numbers were working except one and no one answered that one. Told you....something in the air!

And yet, no matter how stressful my day, I am grateful that we don't live one state to the east and that all my family and friends are safe and dry. A few people at work are still waiting to hear from family members. Remember all those people in your prayers tonight.

In case I haven't told my family today, I love you all and miss you! (Time for me to go to bed before I get anymore sentimental and end up crying and calling everyone).

1 comment:

Sharla said...

*sniff* I love you too. *sniff* :)