Friday, September 02, 2005

Downer of a day

I think I have decided to just erase the last 48 hours. We have been watching so much about the hurricane victims that I just feel so overwelmed. I can't even imagine what those people are going thru. I remember when the tornado hit our neighborhood...that was bad enough and it was only one street destoyed, not the whole city. At least tonight I got to help a little bit. Sharla's church is getting about 200 refugees and we (Sharla, me, and Ally) went to go help sort thru all the donations. Ally wanted to go help the people who "don't have homes anymore". She was up very late but I figured it was okay just to give her the experience of helping people. So I am very tired but feel pretty good. I e-mailed Sharla the pictures we took tonight to give everyone an idea of what we did. So hopefully she will put them on her site soon. (My camera but her church so she gets the pictures.)

Yesterday we got a call from church and found out that 4 of our members were killed in a car wreck. Two members lost their spouse and one married couple was killed. Our church will have a hard time on Sunday. They were all very involved members and will be very missed. It still seems so unreal. I don't know if anyone remembers my friend Amy who sang at our wedding but the couple who was killed were her parents. I just can't imagine what she is going thru tonight. Please pray for Diane who survived but lost her husband and for Bill who lost his wife and is currently in ICU but expected to be okay. And of course for Amy and her husband John and their three kids.

Needless to say, I really have nothing uplifting or clever to say tonight. I think I'll just go to sleep so I don't have to deal with everything for a few hours. But tomorrow is a new day and I'll spend the weekend hugging and playing with my children so things will improve.

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