Sunday, October 02, 2005

End of the season!!!

Guess what??? The Ranger season is officially over. Yeah!! It will be nice to have a husband again. So on Friday, we used the last of the free tickets for this season. Andrew wanted to go to another game but I just couldn't go when it was 100. Friday was only 86, so off we went. Ally invited a friend from church since we had an extra ticket. While we were there we ran into two other families from church. What are the odds in a stadium that big? We had been in our seats for exactly 15 minutes and the chorus of "Can we go yet?" began. Apparently baseball is not for the girls. I really didn't believe that they wanted to go since they also began chanting for nachos and cotton candy. And we had JUST eaten dinner and I know for a fact that none of the children really like cotton candy. Anyway we got some things to munch on and left before 9. A little bit of baseball, a little bit of nachos, a little bit of $4.75 coke, a little bit of 3 children belting out Hilary Duff songs to and from the ballpark. All in all, not a bad night.

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