Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't mess with me today!

Just to let all you parents know...

1. It is not my job to know when exactly your child has talent show practice, whether or not they ordered lunch today, what homework they should have done, when your class valentine party is, or what "the mean kid" said to your little angel.

2. Read your notes that come home from the school. You need to know this information. That is why we send it home. Oh, and it's also not my fault that little Johnny didn't give it to you. Check the pile of squished papers in the bottom of his backpack like I do.

3. A "deadline" is the latest time when something should be completed. It is not a vague general suggestion. If you miss it, too bad. How do you work at your job if you cannot get this concept? Does your boss let you keep sliding? And it is not my job to keep reminding you that something is due! I think three notes/e-mails are enough.

4. If your child is sick enough to have medicine or looks like death warmed over, DO NOT send him to school. We will be calling you as soon as the tylenol wears off and the fever comes back. Meanwhile, all you have done is expose everyone else.

5. To the parents who do the above evil. Do not complain when your child gets sick because someone else did the same thing.

6. The school closes at 3:30. Just because I happen to be in the building until 4, does not mean I am still working and want to deal with you. So stop buzzing the button for me to let you in. I will just sit here typing and ignore you until you read the note that was sent home (see #2) and call the person who you need to talk to in the first place.

7. If your child misses school, we will be happy to send home missed work but you will need to wait until the end of the day like it says in your student handbook. If you call at 9, it will not be ready for you to pick up at 10. Sorry.

8. Stop calling me to chat. I'm busy and don't really care what gross bodily functions your child is taking care of now.

9. If you are leaving our school, do not tell me the great things about the school you are thinking about. By pulling your child from our school, you are effecting my job and I can't pretend that I'm excited for you. I understand that we cannot meet every child's needs, but that doesn't mean that I want to keep hearing it. Oh, and your little angel who is perfect but not doing well here, will have the same problems at another school because I have seen their behavior and attitude. Good luck.

10. If you do not like public schools, keep it to yourself, especially if there are students around. Some of those kids will be going to public school and, you know what, they will be fine. So stop filling their heads with how "terrible" the public education system is. I went to public school and I'm just fine. Happy and fine. See how happy I am.

Okay. I feel better now. Thanks for letting me get this out of my system. I was about to blow up. I know it's only Tuesday but it has been a really LONG week. At least Sharla is coming down tomorrow. Then she can hear me complain about how my fridge stopped working and Andrew's closet clothes rack fell as I was trying to get ready today. How much longer until Spring Break?


Tuell said...

It's nice to know I was a relief to the stress, rather than a contributor! :) BTW, Melaina will NOT let go of those Barbies! DEATH GRIP!!!

Tuell said...

Ooops, that was DaDa, not Tuell. Must be logged into his account... too lazy to fix it.

Tracy said...

Hey, we have "mid winter break" next week! Why don't you come live up here for a week and take the week off with us!?!?!?!??!!?!