Sunday, September 18, 2005

Okay, just let me say one thing.....I AM TIRED OF BEING HOT!!! Tell me again why I live in Texas. It is mid September and we are still near 100. That is just so wrong. The human body was not created to sweat 9 out of 12 months. Whine whine whine. At least I wasn't working at the ballpark like a certain person I know who will remain nameless (stinky and sweaty but nameless).

Question for all those mothers out there. Let's just say you have a sweet and wonderful little girl who is about, oh I don't know, 8 years old. Is it normal for her to tell you word for word everything she has said and done all day - even if it just happened two minutes ago and you were in the room? Even if it was the dialog from a TV show that you really don't care about because you are older than 12? You try to be an attentive mom but sometimes enough is enough. But I guess she has always been very "vocal". I remember using the phrase "No more words" quite a few times. I think this is very unfair that I am raising two talkers. They must get it from their father.....Mr. Talkey Pants. After all, their mother is the shy reserved type who never ever talks. (Can you hear the sarcasm there or do I need to redo that sentence?)

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Michelle, you are a crack up! It's good to have YOU back with us - you had been quiet there for awhile.