Sunday, September 25, 2005

Today's Pet Peeves

Things that bother me on an otherwise beautiful Sunday....

1. Children who suddenly can't live without Mommy's attention during the 30 minutes I want to take a nap (read: no nap today)

2. Little boys who are as stubborn as their daddy and refuse to take care of all bodily functions themselves (no details since this is a family friendly site)


4. Preachers leaving (for understandable health reasons) and a congregation starting the much dreaded "preacher search" (and no, we do not want Garth, but thanks for asking)

5. Super glue that, no matter how hard you try, gets on all your fingers and annoys you the rest of the afternoon until you can pick it all off, removing half your skin in the process.

6. Meteorologists who warn us that Rita "leftovers" are coming our way this weekend, get ready, stock up....and we get squat. No rain, no cooler weather, no nothing. Okay, we got clouds. Yipee.

7. The Texas Heat...again!

8. Football season. Ugh. I mean really. How many hours can a man watch a game?!? "But honey, this is the pre-game to the pre-game to the game that starts in 9 hours."

9. Surfing through blogs for some easy entertainment and only getting to the ones in foreign languages which are, although pretty cool, totally meaningless to me.

10. Tomorrow is Monday.

11. Laundry. Yes I know I already said that one but I really really really mean it.

12. Looking at this list and realizing that I'm coming across cranky when really I'm in a very good mood, just venting (and avoiding that dreaded "l" word--see above) .

And to think, this all started with the dumb super glue incident.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Oh, you're in trouble now. My girls all got out of bed and came down here to see what I was laughing so hard about! Ever thought of doing stand-up?